
SHINE の 歌詞


I''m drinking the blue sky
Just laying under sunbathed trees
I listen for the breeze

A bird sings along to
The beat of grasses wave at me
The sound of stomping feet

Yeah there''s a sweet scent tickles my nose
And I feel it in my bones and in my soul

I''m shining through
Painting colors with emotions
Awaken with devotion
Oh oh oh oh

I''m shining through
I discover my own purpose
Deep within beneath the surface

Tomorrow means I never will resign
''Cause I know that I''ll get a chance to shine

The sadness and anguish
That I can''t do a thing about
Erasing all my doubt

Encounter the darkness
The day will bring me the reason
I let go and breathe it in

In despite of troubles and strife
They turn into the brushes of my life

Emotions are the colors of my life
In a painting I make where I will shine

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