I against(777inch cover)


I against(777inch cover) の 歌詞


You were someone who I really look up to
Without you, I would not be who I am today
I never thought that the day would come when I would sing your fuckin' song with my lyrics on it

The words you gave me saved my life everytime I wanted to please you more
But it won't come true
I've a feeling that you'll suddenly appear at the venue again
Because you left a lot of things undone

You said, all this suffering is for you
You've always supported me from so far
I'm carrying it all on my shoulders right now
Of course, all your thoughts too

I wish you are with me
I don't sing this punk rock song for you
I just sing for me
I want to prove to myself that the music
I believe in is right Just listen with a shy smile on your face

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