Discotheque Du Paradis


Discotheque Du Paradis の 歌詞


The story that you made
All memories that you shared
Smiled and told
Now fading away
The morning haze
Led me to the maze
Washed all my dreams away

The colors you liked to wear
Sweet smells in the air
Shined and smoked
All gone away
The morning haze
Tricked me with rays
Washed all my dreams away

Sweet cherry pies you were supposed to bake
The plastic dreams you were about to make
Ironic fate
You''d never go away
Your tears of fears
My fears of tears
Interrupt our sight all the way

The story that you made
All memories that you shared
Smiled and told
Now fading away
Time has passed by
Fun has gone by
Still the beat goes on

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