climb up to the top


climb up to the top の 歌詞


whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control

whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts

climb up to the top

whoop it up
speak out please
What is you up to?
make a sensation

whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts

whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control

whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts

climb up to the top

whoop it up
speak out please
What is you up to?
make a sensation

whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts

whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control

whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts

climb up to the top

whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control

whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts

climb up to the top

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